FM Synthesizer [SynprezFM II]
Jean-Marc Desprez
About App
SynprezFM 2 is a programmable polyphonic synth with a multitouch dynamic keyboard, arpeggio, effects and 1024 built-in instrument patches. It uses Frequency Modulation, a lightweight method for generating complex harmonic waveforms by mixing or combining sine samples controlled by envelops and LFO. It is able to produce analog style pads, to emulate classic or modern instruments, or to invent new and awesome crystalline sounds.SynprezFM 2 is also a Yamaha DX7 emulator, that can render with accuracy the sysex files you upload into an external storage directory setup by menu, in order to heighten the experience. You can also create and save your own patches, either by editing one of the (deliberately) unsorted builtin ones, or starting from scratch with the 'init voice' function.
It is possible to record WAV, to connect a MIDI keyboard (using a USB/OTG cable for Android Honeycomb 3.1+, or Bluetooth Low Energy for Android Jelly Bean 4.3+), and to take advantage of a small s