LED Banner Marquee :scroller
Kevin's Lab
About App
LED Banner - The LED Scroller Text App is an astonishing tool that provides users with a unique way to showcase personality and creativity in various situations. This app not only offers a simple and user-friendly interface but also boasts rich customization options, allowing users to create attention-grabbing LED scrolling text effects. From dynamic wallpapers to commercial advertisements, social events to quiet libraries, the LED Scroller Text App can captivate audiences in different scenarios with its unique charm.Users can choose text and background colors, text speed, and direction. There are various effects available, including blinking effects, animated backgrounds, and more, allowing users to tailor the experience to their preferences.
Display your personalized LED scrolling text in noisy places like concerts, parties, and bars to express your creativity, communicate with others when they can't hear you, attract attention, convey messages in nighttime setting